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Frequently Asked Questions
πŸ’΅ How do I withdraw from Alluo
πŸ’΅ How do I withdraw from Alluo

Alluo allows your to withdraw your funds directly via our mobile app or via a web platform.

0xTuytuy avatar
Written by 0xTuytuy
Updated over a week ago

Today Alluo allows your to withdraw your funds directly via our mobile app or via a web platform.

The mobile app withdraw functionality allows users to convinitently withdraw their funds from Alluo without ever leaving the app.

Credit/debit card or bank transfer

Alluo has partnered with local money transfer agents around the world to be able to cater for a wide range of customers. You can find the list of countries and regions supported and which partner you will be dealing with here.

From the moment you have finished the process with our Partner, deposits take up to 24hrs to reach your Alluo account and display in your dashboard.

Please be patient, Alluo uses blockchain technology to manage the flow of money, your money will show, it might just take a few hours longer than you might be used to in your local geography.

Depositing stable cryptocurrencies

Because Alluo is built on blockchain technology we also allow users to deposit directly into the app using Stablecoins.

We currently support 3 main stable coins, DAI, USDC and USDT all on the Polygon network. Please make sure to use the Polygon Mainnet network to deposit funds in your wallet.

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